BIOGAS COMPRESSORS UVG110/BVG30 LOCATION: ItalyFLUID: Biogas UVG 110POWER INSTALLED: 132 kWINLET PRESSURE: 400 mbar(g)WORKING PRESSURE: 10-12 bar(g)FLOW RATE: 0<775 Nm³/hAMBIENT TEMPERATURE: +3/+40 °C BVG 30POWER INSTALLED: 30 kWINLET PRESSURE: 500 mbar(g)WORKING PRESSURE: 3.2-5.0 bar(g)FLOW RATE: 0<250 Nm³/hAMBIENT TEMPERATURE: +3/+40 °C Two open frame screw compressors for biogas upgrading suitable for membrane application and installed inside a container. Designed for classified Atex Zone 2 and suitable… Continue reading UVG110/BVG30-Italy
Application: Biogas upgrading
BIOGAS COMPRESSOR UVG400 LOCATION: SwedenFLUID: BiogasPOWER INSTALLED: 500 kWINLET PRESSURE: 300 mbar(g)WORKING PRESSURE: 13.8-14.3 bar(g)FLOW RATE: 0<1385<2770 Nm³/hAMBIENT TEMPERATURE: -40/+40 °C Screw biogas compressor for upgrading installed in container 20″ equipped with silencers for noise reduction down to 80 dB1m. Designed for classified Atex Zone 2, suitable for outdoor installation -40/+40°C, completed with heat recovery system and controlled by PLC.
BIOGAS COMPRESSOR BVG355 LOCATION: BrazilFLUID: BiogasPOWER INSTALLED: 450 kWINLET PRESSURE: 150 mbar(g)WORKING PRESSURE: 10,5 bar(g)FLOW RATE: 0<2410 Nm³/hAMBIENT TEMPERATURE: +3/+40°C Screw biogas compressor for upgrading based on PSA technology installed in Brazil. Designed for classified Atex Zone 2 in compliance with Brazilian standards, PLC controlled, completed with suction dewatering system and gas treatment system.
BIOGAS COMPRESSOR UVG400 LOCATION: FranceFLUID: BiogasPOWER INSTALLED: 500 kWINLET PRESSURE: 70 mbar(g)WORKING PRESSURE: 12.4-14.5 bar(g)FLOW RATE: 0<1212<2424 Nm³/hAMBIENT TEMPERATURE: -20/+40 °C Screw biogas compressor for upgrading installed in anaerobic digestion plant located in France. Air cooled, equipped with stainless steel heat exchanger for heat recovery, completed with sound proof and weather proof canopy suitable for outdoor installation -20°C/+40°C.
BIOGAS COMPRESSOR UVG500 LOCATION: UKFLUID: BiogasPOWER INSTALLED: 630 kWINLET PRESSURE: 70 mbar(g)WORKING PRESSURE: 12.6-14.7 bar(g)FLOW RATE: 0<1007<2793 Nm³/hAMBIENT TEMPERATURE: -20/+40 °C Screw biogas compressor for upgrading installed in container 20″ equipped with silencers for noise reduction down to 80 dB@1m. Designed for classified Atex Zone 2, suitable for outdoor installation -20/+40°C, completed with heat recovery system and controlled by PLC.
BIOGAS COMPRESSOR UVG250 LOCATION: SwedenFLUID: BiogasPOWER INSTALLED: 315 kWINLET PRESSURE: 150 mbar(g)WORKING PRESSURE: 16 bar(g)FLOW RATE: 0<1.300 Nm³/hAMBIENT TEMPERATURE: -25/40 °C Screw biogas compressor for upgrading installed in Sweden. Designed for classified Atex Zone 2 for outdoor installation, completed with heat recovery.
BIOGAS COMPRESSOR UVG132 LOCATION: FranceFLUID: BiogasPOWER INSTALLED: 160 kWINLET PRESSURE: 150 mbar(g)WORKING PRESSURE: 13.6 bar(g)FLOW RATE: 0<680 Nm³/hAMBIENT TEMPERATURE: -10/40 °C Screw biogas compressor for upgrading, installed in anaerobic digestion plant located in France. Designed for classified Atex Zone 2 and outdoor installation, completed with suction filter, heat recovery, by-pass system and control of gas outlet temperature.
BIOGAS COMPRESSOR BVG160 LOCATION: ItalyFLUID: BiogasPOWER INSTALLED: 200 kWINLET PRESSURE: 150-200 mbar(g)WORKING PRESSURE: 8,3 bar(g)FLOW RATE: 0<1125 Nm³/hAMBIENT TEMPERATURE: -20/45°C Screw biogas compressor for upgrading based on PSA technology installed in container 40″ located in Sicily. Designed for classified Atex Zone 2, suitable for outdoor conditions -20/45°C, completed with suction dewatering system and gas treatment system.
BIOGAS COMPRESSOR UVG160 LOCATION: FRANCEFLUID: BiogasPOWER INSTALLED: 200 kWINLET PRESSURE: 100 mbar(g)WORKING PRESSURE: 16.5 bar(g)FLOW RATE: 0<844 Nm³/hAMBIENT TEMPERATURE: -20/40 °C Screw compressor for biogas upgrading located in France. Designed for outdoor installation, completed with heat recovery, fine filtration and temperature control. It is equipped with silencers (maximum noise level: 80 dB(A) at 1 meter).
BIOGAS COMPRESSOR UVG250 LOCATION: DenmarkFLUID: BiogasPOWER INSTALLED: 315 kWINLET PRESSURE: 250 mbar(g)WORKING PRESSURE: 16 bar(g)FLOW RATE: 0<1.400 Nm³/hAMBIENT TEMPERATURE: -20/40 °C Screw biogas compressor for upgrading installed in anaerobic digestion plant located in Denmark. Designed for classified Atex Zone 2 for outdoor installation, completed with heat recovery and silencers.