Queste stazioni di compressione e trattamento del gas a umido sono progettate in uno skid facilmente movimentabile, composto da un blocco rotativo a vite per gas a iniezione d’olio, direttamente accoppiato a un motore elettrico, controllato da inverter, tramite un accoppiamento flessibile o magnetico.
In base all’applicazione e alla pressione di esercizio richiesta, i nostri compressori possono essere classificati in:
• BVG: per pressioni operative da 3.0 bar(g) a 10.0 bar(g).
• UVG: per pressioni operative da 8.0 bar(g) a 25.0 bar(g).

Il gas umido viene aspirato da un filtro di aspirazione, che funge anche da separatore d’acqua con sistema di scarico automatico della condensa, per poi passare attraverso una valvola di aspirazione. A causa della presenza di H2S, CO2 o altri contaminanti aggressivi nel gas, tutti i componenti a contatto con esso sono realizzati in acciaio inox o debitamente protetti. Durante il processo di compressione del gas, l’olio viene iniettato all’interno del pompante per svolgere tre funzioni principali: lubrificazione, tenuta e assorbimento del calore. Lavorando in un circuito chiuse con un serbatoio di gas/olio, l’olio viene pressurizzato per fluire attraverso un raffreddatore d’olio, quindi filtrato prima di essere nuovamente iniettato nella camera di compressione della vite. Il gas fluisce, attraverso la valvola di minima pressione/di non ritorno, in un raffreddatore e viene trattato prima di lasciare il package.

fino a 25 bar(g)

fino a 6.000 Nm3/h

fino a 710 kW


Model BVG 45


Two screw compressors for biomethane located in Poland. Designed for classified area Atex Zone 2 for indoor installation. They are air cooled and equipped with medium filtration, bleed valve for depressurization to vent, mechanic by-pass valve and controlled by electrical board S1-20.
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Model UVG 90


Screw biogas compressor for CO2 destined for the Italian market. Designed for installation in safe area outdoors. It is air-cooled and equipped with heat recovery, temperature control, fine filtration and controlled by PLC. The compressor uses food-grade oil.
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Model BVG 110


Screw compressor for biogas upgrading destinated for US market. Designed in compliance with ASME and UL standards (Class 1 Division 2), for outdoor installation. It is air cooled and including fine filtration, electropneumatic by-pass valve and controlled by PLC.
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Model BVG 200


Screw compressor for biogas upgrading located in Colombia. Designed for indoor installation, it is water cooled and completed with temperature control, electropneumatic by-pass valve and controlled by PLC.
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Model ADI115-30


Single-stage reciprocating compressor for natural gas installed in Poland. Designed for classified Atex Zone 2. It is air cooled and completed with fine filtration and electropneumatic by-pass valve. The electrical cabinet is designed for outdoor installation and controlled by PLC.
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Model HVG 90


Screw compressor for syngas, with a content of 40% of hydrogen, destined for the French market. Designed for classified Atex Zone 2 for indoor installation. It is water cooled completed with electropneumatic by-pass valve and controlled by PLC.
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Model BVG132/VG75


Two open frame screw compressors for biogas upgrading. They are water cooled and equipped with heat recovery, electro-pneumatic by-pass system, fine filtration and controlled by PLC and one open frame  screw compressor for biomethane grid injection, It is water cooled and equipped with fine filtration, electro-pneumatic by-pass system and controlled by PLC. All compressors are designed for classified Atex Zone 2 for indoor installation (+3/+40). 
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Model BVG 90


Screw compressor for biogas upgrading located in USA. Designed in compliance with ASME and UL standards for outdoor installation, It is air cooled and completed with heat recovery, temperature control, electropneumatic by-pass valve and controlled by PLC.
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Model UVG 650


Screw compressor for biogas upgrading installed inside a container (40') destined for the Italian market. Designed for classified Atex Zone 2 for outdoor installation. It is water cooled and completed with heat recovery, temperature control, electropneumatic by-pass valve and controlled by PLC.
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Model UVG 550


Two screw compressors for biogas upgrading installed inside a container (45’) destinated for US market. Designed in compliance with US standards, suitable for outdoor installation, water-cooled, completed with electro-pneumatic by-pass system, temperature control, fine filtration and PLC-controlled with control cabinet integrated in the container.
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Serie HVG

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Serie SSG

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Serie VGE

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Serie VG

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Serie ADI70/115

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