Com quase 25 anos de experiência e mais de 10000 skids em operação em todo o mundo, a Adicomp é hoje uma das líderes mundiais no projeto e na fabricação de pacotes de compressores para biogás, GNR, gás natural, hidrogênio e gás de aterro sanitário.


Compressor de parafuso para biogás, projetado para processos de upgrading de biogás, localizado na ITÁLIA. Desenvolvido para classificação Atex Zona 2, adequado para instalação ao ar livre. É equipado com sistema de refrigeração a ar, filtração fina, controle de temperatura, recuperação de calor, válvula de bypass eletropneumática e controlado por PLC. O compressor possui silenciador, garantindo um nível máximo de ruído de 75 dB(A) a 1 metro.


Dois compressores a parafuso para upgrade de biogás, localizados no Brasil. Projetados conforme as normas brasileiras (INMETRO e NR10-12-13-17) para instalação externa. Equipados com resfriamento a ar, filtração fina, controle de temperatura, sistema de by-pass eletropneumático e controle via PLC.


Screw biogas compressor for upgrading located in USA. Designed in compliance with north american standards, suitable for outdoor installation, air-cooled, completed with electro-pneumatic by-pass system and controlled by PLC.


Screw compressor for CO₂ located in France. Designed for non-hazardous area for outdoor installation. It is air cooled and completed with fine filtration, electrical cabinet in the compressor skid, fully electrical by-pass system and controlled by PLC. The compressor is equipped with silencers (maximum noise level: 74 dB(A) at 1 meter).


Screw biogas compressor for upgrading located in USA. Designed in compliance with ASME and UL standards (Class 1 Division 2) for outdoor installation. It is air cooled and completed with fine filtration, temperature control, electro-pneumatic bypass valve and controlled by PLC.

ADI115-22-Czech Republic

Czech Republic
Single stage reciprocating compressor for biomethane installed in Czech Republic. Designed for classified Atex Zone 2 for outdoor installation. It is air cooled and completed with electro-pneumatic by-pass system, fine filtration and controlled by PLC.


Double stage reciprocating compressor installed in the Netherlands. Designed for classified Atex Zone 2 for outdoor installation. It is water cooled and completed with bleed valve for depressurization to vent, electro-pneumatic proportional bypass valve and controlled by PLC.


Two screw compressors for biogas upgrading installed in Denmark. Each compressor is installed inside a dedicated 40' container. They are designed for classified ATEX Zone 2 for outdoor installation. The compressors are water-cooled and completed with heat recovery, temperature control, electropneumatic by-pass valve and are controlled by PLC.


Screw biogas compressor for upgrading located in Germany. Designed for classified Atex Zone 2 for outdoor installation. It is air cooled and completed with fine filtration, mechanical bypass valve and controlled by HMI.


crew compressor for natural gas located in Germany. Designed for classified Atex Zone 2 for outdoor installation. It is air cooled and completed with fine filtration, electromechanical by-pass system and controlled by PLC.


Screw compressor for biogas upgrading located in Italy. Designed for outdoor installation. It is water cooled and completed with temperature control, fully electrical by-pass system, fine filtration and controlled by PLC. It is equipped with silencers for reducing the noise level to 75 dB@ 10m.


Two screw compressors for biogas upgrading located in Lithuania. The first unit supplies the biogas to the upgrading system, the second recirculates the remaining methane and carbon dioxide to obtain greater efficiency for its recovery through the upgrading system. Both compressors are open frame, installed inside container, designed for classificated Atex Zone 2, equipped with with electro-pneumatic by-pass system, fine filtration, temperature control and controlled by PLC.


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